Sperm banking

  • What is sperm banking?

    Sperm banking involves the freezing and storage of your semen/sperm in liquid nitrogen tanks.

    Why do I need to bank my sperm?

    Sperm banking is provided to adults and adolescents who are about to undergo cancer or hormone treatments which are known to damage sperm and sperm production. Sperm banking is also provided to patients undergoing surgical procedures i.e. vasectomy etc. and to couples having IVF treatment. Sperm banking can also be arranged for security purposes i.e. Australian Defense Force personnel.

    What do I need to do before I bank my sperm?

    You must consult with your doctor who will arrange all necessary paperwork and appropriate infectious screening (anti-HIV1/2, HBsAg, Anti-HBc and anti-HCV) prior to banking your semen. You must book an appointment and adhere to the sexual abstinence instructions prior to attending for your appointment. Finally, you must complete a Sperm Storage Consent Form (ADULT) or Sperm Storage Consent Form (MINOR), and consult your doctor, nurse or the laboratory staff should you have any questions about the storage request. 

    Andrology Data Manager

    All sperm banking patient records and storage requests are maintained by the Andrology Data Manager. It is imperative that you inform the Andrology Data Manager of any changes to your details contained within your original storage consent form using the Update of Contact Details Form.  e.g. change of address or mobile number. Changes must be communicated in a timely manner to the Andrology Data Manager to ensure continued contact between both parties; if you are uncontactable, this may affect the continued storage of your gametes (sperm). Should you wish to cancel your storage with RWH Andrology Unit and Sperm Bank, you must notify the Andrology Data Manager and follow the process for cancellation. The Andrology Data Manager will ensure your samples are stored within the legally allowed 10 year storage period, and can assist you with storage extension applications, which are made via the Patient Review Panel. 



    Please be advised transfer requests take a minimum of two weeks to schedule.

    To arrange the transfer of your stored semen sample(s), you must first complete a transfer consent form. This form must be signed and emailed to andrology@rch.org.au along with a copy of your driver’s license (or another form of photo identification) and the recipient laboratory transfer documentation. For long distance transfers, you must organise a courier (e.g. dgiglobal.com 1300-137381).



    Should you wish to cancel your storage with RWH Andrology Unit and Sperm Bank, please complete a cancellation form and send a signed copy to andrology.datamanager@thewomens.org.au along with a copy of your driver’s license (or another form of photo identification).